Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Swimming in the Summer of Blackberries

This summer is the summer of blackberries
We swim in the barely cool water
Across the little bay
And pick blackberries along the shore each Sunday
This year big and juicy 
They droop down toward the water
Beckoning outstretched fingers 
Eating our fill noting the oncoming ripening berries
Already thinking of eating them next Sunday
Laughing and washing our hands in the clear water 
We slowly float back across the bay on our backs
Watching circling ospreys 
The sky and lake melting together
Feeling each ripple of delicious water
In the heat and sun of lazy August
Already dreaming of the nap to come

Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Response From A Teacher to President Barack Obama's Speech on Educational Reform

Race to the Top

I don't think that I am the only teacher in this country that feels that we are witnessing the crumbling of our schools, in real time, as each day goes by. Here in California each day passes and the state fiddles around in Sacramento with no hope of a budget in sight. This means our districts can't plan rationally for the new school year that is only a few weeks away for most of us. In this county over one hundred teachers have been let go over the last two years, with children in most districts facing larger and larger class sizes. Hard fought reforms in class size reduction in kindergarten through third grade classrooms are being tossed by the wayside as districts across the state now struggle to provide minimum services to students. All over the state teachers are being asked to give back, on health care, step increases, funding for classroom supplies, and on and on. Yet, we are still under the thumb of No Child Left Behind, all of us feeling the pressure to improve or maintain our API numbers and AYP status, as help from Washington stagnates in the summer heat.

So, I listened with interest, but diminishing hope, to President Obama's speech about education this last week. I watched it three times, and read and annotated the text. My reaction was not positive. Time is wasting, we need help now, and there is no relief in sight.

In the very beginning of the speech, and not in particular relation to the topic of Race to the Top (RTT), President Obama briefly mentions the foreclosure crisis that is ongoing. This is where I'll begin, because most districts across the United States still get a substantial amount of funding from property taxes. All over the US home values are declining, and the foreclosure of a home in your neighborhood can undercut the value of all the other homes. This can result in the assessed valuation of the homes to decline, which results in less tax revenue, and that results in less funding for schools. Regardless of what President Obama labels as important, there is one thing that is irrevocably true. No district in the United States can meet any reasonable educational standards without adequate funding. I don't think there is a single school district in this state, today,  that could accurately describe its financial circumstances as adequate.

So, in the hard light of reality,  RTT is useless. The disastrous situation at hand has outstripped any relevance that RTT might have had. Why is this? It is because RTT only has about five billion dollars to distribute. This is now not even a drop in the bucket. Currently, in California alone, the biggest school districts in the state (Los Angeles, San Diego, Oakland, Sacramento, San Francisco, etc.) are looking at combined deficits of over one billion dollars, one fifth of the RTT funds. Yet, in this round of RTT funding,  the entire state is only eligible for about $700 million in grants. In order to even be eligible ("compete" as President Obama says, triggering uncomfortable feelings about beating some other deserving school districts in this very much unwanted race) the State of California's K-12 system has spent some unknown millions of dollars jumping through RTT hoops, perhaps for naught. Now it has been announced that the State of California has attained eligibility. What does that mean? Maybe nothing, as eligibility does not guarantee that the state will actually see any of the money. Even if we do get some of it, it will not go far given the huge hole we are in.

Yet, throughout the speech the President lauded this paltry five billion dollar RTT program as "the single most important thing" being done for education, apparently in the history of the United States. Late in the speech he acknowledges the overall financial plight of schools and teacher layoffs ( "like saving teachers’ jobs across this country from layoffs") and pledges to help. In the haze of early summer, it may have escaped many that the Congress was considering an emergency aid package of over $20 billion to avoid teacher layoffs, but the Republicans easily defeated this, by asking why more money should be appropriated, when most of the rather small amount of five billion dollars for RTT was still languishing in the government coffers two years after it was appropriated.

President Obama also characterizes the response to RTT as enthusiastic ( "For the most part, states, educators, reformers, they’ve responded with great enthusiasm"). Why does this ring false? Could it be because of the states that have completely dropped out of RTT in frustration? Perhaps because, at this point, with so much at stake, we are starting to feel, as teachers, like we're being taken for another ride (NCLB, Whole Language, etc.)? Personally, my own vision of this process of getting RTT funds looks more like a sad line of state education superintendents, all tattered Oliver Twists, approaching the stern headmaster, Arne Duncan, raising their empty bowls, and asking, "Please, sir, can I have some more?" Desperation can certainly result in feigned enthusiasm.

Much of President Obama's speech is filled with truisms and platitudes with which no educator would ever disagree. We all want what is best for the children of America. We all dream of a day when education will be fully funded, and the needs of all students can be met in our classrooms, and when teachers are respected as professionals. Of course it is absurd to repeat the mistakes of the past and expect different results. But, his statement "Our children get only one chance at an education, so we need to get it right" struck a real chord with me. Most teachers, in a few weeks, will be looking at a group of new students walking into classrooms all across the United States, and RTT funding will not be present in the vast majority of those classrooms, leaving the teacher, once again, to scrape up whatever he or she can to make the year a success for those students, and "get it right." And, if sufficient real funding is not found quickly, the possible educational outcomes for all those children can only get worse and getting it right will become an unobtainable dream.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


The Himalaya Blackberry is an invasive plant
Expansive, it creeps forward over everything
Dawn creeps too
Quickly fingers reach forward
Prize within reach
Soft dark fruit juices running down fingers into a stained palm
Everything summer contained in that tiny berry
Legs scratched bleeding but still reaching forward
The sweet flavor of summer irresistible

Deep memories, laughter, warm sun
Children, brothers, sisters, friends
Picking wild berries long ago
Reminding don't eat too many fill the bucket
Anticipation of tomorrow's berries and ice cream
Lost in the moment
We didn't hear the sounds of the absentee neighbor
Until he shushed us away from "his" berries
Then divine intervention as he drove away
Berries beckoning once again

These blackberries beckon still
As always the blackest ripest juiciest just out of reach
Stretching, arms raked by thorns
Searching for the branch that droops heavy
The sun rises and the bucket is filled
Pausing to look at the prize
The refrigerator door closes

Monday, July 19, 2010

Mt. Lassen 7-19-10

Awakening 7-8-10

Brook and birdsong
Ripples on the Klamath
Cool fog and quiet
         early morning light 


Monday, July 5, 2010


Shimmers in the heat
Fenceposts give way
To the colored moving specks of cattle
Mirages in the distance
Yet real
Across a vast unending landscape
A sky so blue so cloudless so dry
Mountains frame the boundaries
Some looking like they were carved
By the ever-present wind
Peaks curved at the top like dunes in the desert
The road rolls away
The taste of dust
The delicious scent of sage
All things are possible under this sky
In this West

Friday, June 18, 2010


My beautiful daughter, Gloria:


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Afternoon on the Sacramento River 6/10/10

Smaller Pond and Waterfalls My Backyard 6/10/10

Small Things

It is the small things I notice

As I come out of the fog of the end of the school year

I begin my morning walks

Bird songs, wet nose of the dog

Rabbit chases, a flushed deer

The first light on the tops of the trees

The breeze that happens at the moment of dawn

I stop and examine the trail

A highway of life is recorded

Round horseshoes, bicycle tracks, boot prints, small sneakers show the day

Then smaller, deer hooves, dog paws, the small hands of raccoons and possums

Ever more tiny, the faint prints of rabbits and squirrels show the night

Startled mourning doves rise from the cover of flowering blackberries

A wet nose prods me on

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

First Dunk in Whiskeytown NRA 6/7/10

Mt. Lassen becomes part of Mexico! (In Kim's mind...)


Vacation at last! I'm still decompressing, but will write more soon. Oh... the luxury of time to write after that long unending winter! There was snow on the windshield of the bus in early May as we returned from a swimming trip... and it seemed that we were going to vacation before there was any hint of real summer up on the mountain.

8th Grade Graduation

8th Grade Graduation

Grandma Final

Grandma Final

Melody's Perfect Day

Melody's Perfect Day

End of the Year Sillies!

End of the Year Sillies!